Hi there! We sell brand new and AUTHENTIC handbags sourced from USA at affordable prices, at a fraction of the retail price in Malaysia.
1. All item are based on PRE-ORDER as we don't keep any item in hand unless stated otherwise.
2. We require payment of deposit (depending on the price of bags) before shipping out the bags from USA. Deposit is not refundable.
3. Please ensure full payment before the bags are handed to you.
4. ALL quoted price are inclusive of :
(1) Shipping from USA- Malaysia
(2) Malaysian Custom Tax
(3) Courier to your address in Semenanjung Malaysia.For Sabah, Sarawak & Labuan additional charge of RM10 to RM30 is applicable.
5. Most of the Coach bags are Coach outlet items sourced from Coach Authorised Stores in USA. The bags are a LOT cheaper than retail price. Nowadays, almost all bags from Coach outlet come without dust-bag.
6. Dust-bag, Box and Paper-bag are guaranteed available if you buy the bags from Coach boutique.